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Linda de Beer

Linda de Beer

Job Title

PIOB Chair

PIOB Chair – Since 2020

Linda de Beer is qualified as a chartered accountant (SA), holds a master’s degree in taxation and holds a chartered director (SA)  designation. She has a long professional in the setting, monitoring and oversight of reporting standards, corporate governance principles and related regulation, which includes chairing the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board’s Consultative Advisory Group (CAG), serving on the CAG of the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants, serving on the King Committee for Corporate Governance in South Africa, chairing the Financial Reporting Investigation Committee of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and serving on the Investor Advisory Group of the PCAOB. 

Beyond chairing the PIOB she serves as an independent non-executive director on a number of South African listed company boards, a role she has played since 2010. Her experience at a board level includes merger and acquisition activities, business turnaround and restructuring (including debt restructuring and equity raising), appointment and removal of executives and other strategic and governance matters that directors take responsibility for. She also serves on the board of trustees of the International Valuations Standards Council, based in London, and has advised numerous companies and regulators on corporate governance matters.

Ms. de Beer has experience in mediation of matters between parties and expert witness work on various aspects relating to corporate governance, financial reporting and auditing standards and related legislation.

She is an Honorary (Professor in Practice) at the University of Johannesburg, with previous full time lecturing experience at post graduate level. She also launched a book, in 2018, co-authored with Mervyn King, on the audit profession, entitled The Auditor: Quo Vadis?